The Philosophy Behind Bijun
Not using the latest ingredients
We only select safe and effective ingredients that have undergone long-term validation to develop our products.
Only the minimum necessary additives
Hyaluronic Bijun contains only the minimal, naturally occurring additives needed for tablet formation—no flavorings, coloring, or preservatives.
Only make products we really want
We listen to the needs of our customers, who are like family members who have been with us for many years, and we make what they really want.
Support on your journey of "Wellbeing"
We aim to redefine beauty supplment by creating Hyaluronic Bijun that support happiness, longevity, and healthy living for diverse lifestyles.
Start your new skincare habit with Hyaluronic Bijun?
1. Sign up & Get a coupon code
2. Subscribe & Save 65% for the first order
3. Take our Hyaluronic Acid supplements daily
问题:手部皮肤干燥、粗糙、松弛到了三十岁,手背的皮肤变得粗糙、干燥、松弛。然而,服用 Bijun 丸几周后,我的皮肤逐渐变得明显紧致光滑。起初,我因为气味而犹豫不决。然而,几天后,我就习惯了。它的好处确实值得忍受气味!
关注点:质地透明质酸有助于皮肤保持水分。我以前会把它做成粉末,混入饮料中,以增加补水效果。但是,Bijun 的药丸形式让我在早上赶时间时更容易服用。我只喜欢将粉末混入热饮中,因为它不能很好地与冷饮混合,或者没有搅拌机,所以它更适合旅行和早餐时服用。
问题:皮肤纹理、肤色不均、毛孔、皱纹服用这种补充剂超过两周后,我的皮肤变得更加丰满和明亮。鼻子和脸颊上的毛孔明显变小了。我还注意到红肿减少了。额头上的皱纹也不那么明显了。自从开始服用这种补充剂后,我手上和膝盖上的牛皮癣不再复发了。我的皮肤总体感觉更柔软、更水润了。我可以自信地说 Bijun 有效!
超过 150,000 名满意的客户
在对日本 40-49 岁女性进行的为期一个月的试验中,75% 的参与者表示感受到了 Bijun 的焕发青春活力的效果。加入我们日益壮大的满意客户社区,重获您应得的健康光彩。
Bijun 可减轻这些与年龄相关的皮肤问题:
- 皮肤干燥
- 皱纹和松弛
- 紧密性
- 头发僵硬
- 皮肤松弛
- 关节无力
从 20 多岁开始,我们身体的生理逐渐失去天然存在的保湿分子,称为透明质酸。
The Key to Bijun's Effectiveness
Bijun's patented Extracellular Matrix Extract (ECM-E) formula is designed to support your body's natural ability to retain moisture and return your skin to its youthful glow.
Reliable Quality
Takayuki Mori leads a team of expert pharmacists and cosmetologists developed Bijun, a safe and effective beautifying supplement made from high-quality natural ingredients. It is manufactured in Japan under strict quality control in advanced pharmaceutical facilities.